How To Repair Exchange 2013 Mailbox From Corruption?


Learn how to repair Exchange 2013 mailbox from corruption by using New-MailboxRepairRequest PowerShell cmdlet. Explore article & find the method provided here.

Repair Exchange 2013 Mailbox

Are you facing an issue to repair Exchange 2013 mailbox from corruption? If yes, then don’t worry, here in this write-up we will guide users and provide the solution to repair the corrupted database mailbox Exchange 2013 by using the Exchange PowerShell cmdlet solution provided here.

Exchange Server database mailboxes are very crucial for users and companies because it contains essentials data items such as: mails, notes, tasks, contacts, calendars, journals, etc… All the mailboxes & its items are stored in the EDB file which is the main repository of the server and it is vulnerable to corruption.

If any of the mailbox database gets corrupted or damaged then users won’t be able to access the mailbox and data items because the Exchange database becomes inaccessible. Also, it would disrupt the data flow. That’s why it is important to repair corrupt mailbox Exchange 2013 otherwise user or the company have to face serious trouble or problem such as:

  1. Face the heavy financial loss
  2. Their users or clients start losing faith in them
  3. Slow down the company or organization growth
  4. They will lose their professional or personal information
  5. The company reputation will be at stake

To avoid all these serious issues it is necessary to repair the Exchange 2013 database mailbox.

Use New-MailboxRepairRequest Cmdlet to Repair Exchange 2013 Mailbox from Corruption

The Exchange PowerShell New-MailboxRepairRequest command detects as well as fix the mailbox corruption issue. This cmdlet applies to the Exchange Server 2010, 2013, 2016, and above version. Users can use this command on the particular or the complete mailboxes in the EDB.

When the cmdlet is running you cannot disrupt the Exchange mailbox. The only way you can stop the repair request is to make it dismounted.

In order to avoid the performance issue, only one request can be active of the Exchange database-level repair and for the mailbox level repair, there should be up to 100 requests that can be active on the server.

Command to Repair Corrupted Mailbox Exchange 2013

Execute the PowerShell cmdlet given below to repair the Exchange database mailbox:

1. Cmdlet to detect & repair all folder views for the mailbox

New-MailboxRepairRequest -Mailbox -CorruptionType FolderView

2. To only detect & report on the SearchFolder and ProvisionedFolder corruption issue to the Sue Exchange database mailbox. But this command doesn’t repair the EDB mailbox.

New-MailboxRepairRequest -Mailbox sue -CorruptionType ProvisionedFolder,SearchFolder -DetectOnly

3. Repair request cmdlet to detect & repair the AggregateCounts for all the mailboxes on the Exchange mailbox database i.e. MB-DB10

New-MailboxRepairRequest -Database MB-DB10 -CorruptionType AggregateCounts

4. Execute the PowerShell command to detect and repair all the corruption types for the Sue Exchange mailbox and archive

New-MailboxRepairRequest -Mailbox sue -CorruptionType ProvisionedFolder,SearchFolder,AggregateCounts,Folderview -Archive

5. In the cmdlet given below, generate the variable which identifies the Jack mailbox & after that use that variable to specify the value for the parameter i.e. database & StoreMailbox to create the request that detect & repair all corruption types

$Mailbox = Get-MailboxStatistics jack

New-MailboxRepairRequest -Database $Mailbox.Database -StoreMailbox $Mailbox.MailboxGuid -CorruptionType ProvisionedFolder,SearchFolder,AggregateCounts,Folderview

Note: The Exchange New-MailboxRepairRequest cmdlet only repair the on-premise Exchange mailbox but there are most users who have corrupted dismounted or offline Exchange database file and they want to repair that Exchange data too. The manual solution provided here doesn’t useful, in that case, user can use the advanced solution described below which easily recover and repair these mailbox database without using any cmdlet in a hassle freeway.

Use Automated Wizard to Repair Exchange 2013 Mailbox from Office EDB File

The Exchange Server Recovery Software is designed and developed with an advanced algorithm and used by many technical and non-technical users to recover as well as repair the corrupted Exchange database file from minimal and major corruption in a simplified manner.

This advanced utility support Offline / Dismounted EDB file (Public & Private) and offers scan mode option i.e. Quick and Advance scan which recovers Exchange database from corruption. Then, after recovery users can export the recovered mailboxes directly to the Live Exchange Server 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003 mailboxes, Office 365 and multiple file formats in a simplified way without any hassle.

Working Steps for How to Repair Mailbox Exchange 2013 from Corruption

  1. Download and run the tool >> Then, click add file button to load corrupt offline Exchange 2013 database file.
  2. Select the Advance scan mode option >> Click on the Add button
  3. Preview the recovered Exchange 2013 mailboxes >> Click the export button
  4. Select mailboxes and export it to the desired export option

Bringing It All Together

Now users have complete information on how to repair Exchange 2013 mailbox from corruption by using Exchange PowerShell cmdlet but the manual solution has it downside to like – it doesn’t repair the offline / dismounted Exchange database file and mailboxes. To do that we have provided advanced solution that easily repair these EDB file and mailboxes without using any command in a simplified manner. According to your preference you can select the solution and do your job without any hindrance.

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