Find Top 5 Best Tricks To Clean Your Mattress Now

Clean Your Mattress

Mattresses lose their color and shine with age. Regular usage can stain your mattress so do perspiration, oil from the human body, urine, and other body fluids that the mattress gets exposed to on an everyday basis. These marks can be really persistent. The more time you waste in waiting for them to go away, the more they get stuck harder inside. Hence immediate action is of paramount importance.

It is important to know why and how to hire the best mattress cleaning services by professionals at regular intervals in the year. Mattress cleaning services provide deeper and thorough cleaning outcomes that are impossible to get out with domestic options. It is hence best to opt for any reputed mattress cleaning company after complete research. Mattress cleaning is now available at a click!

1. Stains and smells due to bed wetting by kids 

When the next morning you realize your kid has wet the bed yet again and now it is high time to take action to remove it. For that, you need to first remove all the linens laid on your bed immediately. Try and blot out the urine stain dry from the mattress as much as possible. This is an easy mattress cleaning way.

Method 1:

  • Take a cup of hydrogen peroxide and mix it with 3 tbsp of baking soda and a few drops of washing detergent liquid until all these components dissolve into the solution.
  • Transfer this solution to a spray bottle, and sprinkle it on the stain and let it stay on the mattress for an hour.
  • Again reapply baking soda on the stained area and vacuum clean the area after passage of 8-10 hours. Keep repeating this process if necessary and also if any remains of stains still show up. 

Method 2:

  • Take vinegar and water in equal parts and mix them well. Spray this solution on the stain affected area. Let it remain on for 5-10 minutes, before dabbing it out with a hygienic cloth or sponge.
  • You can also dab baking soda on the stained area to get the odors and stains left by the urine and then run a vacuum cleaner on your mattress.

2. Removing blood stains

Eliminating blood from mattresses or any other fabric is a complex and difficult job. Judgment and timing are the most significant factors as you will need to remove blood stains as early as possible. At all times do not forget to use cold water only for washing. Using warm water will only make the stain go deeper into the mattress. These 2 methods will help in effective mattress cleaning.

Method 1:

  • Dab the stain with a cloth dipped into a very small portion of hydrogen peroxide in a cup until the stain is removed. 
  • On the other hand, you can also try applying lemon juice using a similar procedure.

Method 2:

Dab laundry detergent powder on the mattress stains and then dab them away with a clean cloth. That will help to remove the bloodstains from your mattress quickly and effectively. 

3. Vomit stains

Remove all the bed sheets and linen placed on the bed and keep the sheets in the washing machine for cleaning.

Method 1:

  • Add water and white vinegar in equal parts in a spray bottle for spraying it on the affected area.
  • Sprinkle this solution uniformly onto the stain and then blot it with a clean rag. You need to continue doing this process until the blood stain has completely gone away.
  • After a while you need to sprinkle baking soda all over the blood stained area and vacuum clean it off in 1 hour. After that you need to dry the mattresses with natural air completely before using them for sleeping. 

4. Freshly spilt wine

Rub out the stain with water and a clean cloth or clean it with salt and that will effectively help in removing the wine before it has a chance to go deeper inside your mattress.

5. Extremely old stubborn and old stains

Old and persistent stains are difficult to remove at home with store-bought formulas. Do not attempt that and get your hands dirty as any attempts to remove the stains can only aggravate the damage caused before. You can instead opt for hiring a mattress professionals cleaning company operating in the suburb that you reside in.

s, logically, when a stain has dried out fully over a period of time, the chances of removing them at home with domestic products and procedures get bleak. Take your one-stop solution for getting out any type of mattress stain with precision and expertise. We are the best mattress cleaning services who only work with qualified professionals. Get in touch with our expert mattress cleaning professionals is as easy as ordering a product on a shopping website.

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